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Breast cold pack ice





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Special instructions

Product Use:
1. Cold compress: relieves breast pain during breast feeding, and can be effectively used as an adjuvant treatment for breast pain caused by breast milk deposition at weaning.
2. Hot compress: help the breast to dredge, warm compress before breastfeeding can accelerate the flow of milk and promote the effective discharge of milk.
Ice cubes: Can be pre-cooled in the freezer or freezer (-10°C-3°C) for more than 30 minutes. The product is frozen in the refrigerator, which is soft and ice-free indoors.
Heating: 1. Microwave oven; Put the hot and cold bag into the microwave with a slightly damp towel, turn the microwave to medium heat, and feel the temperature for 60 seconds before coming out. If it’s not hot enough, warm it up every 10 to 20 seconds until it feels comfortable. If used continuously, the heating time (medium heat) is limited to 50 to 60 seconds.
2. Heat the hot water, immerse the hot and cold bag in hot water (water temperature 80-100 degrees Celsius), take it out for 10 to 20 minutes, feel that the hot and cold bag can be used at a comfortable temperature.
1. Hot and cold bags are for external use only. If contents come into contact with eyes or skin, clean thoroughly with water.
2. In order to prevent the temperature from being too high or too low, just use a towel or cotton bag at the beginning, if you apply it after feeling uncomfortable, you should put it down after applying it for a while. If you have circulatory problems, consult your doctor.
3. Please do not make this product, please discard it due to weight deformation, breakage, etc.
Four. The contents of the bag are inedible. If swallowed, drink plenty of water and pour as much as you can. Contact your doctor if necessary.
Weight 3 g
Dimensions 180 × 180 mm

Pink, Bule, Green, Purple


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